Something that everybody on the planet has in common is that we all start trading football on day one with zero knowledge.
Many new traders learn through trial and error but that's hugely frustrating, takes a lot of time and costs a small fortune in blown banks. I know that from my own experience!
When I first started trading there was no help available. Football trading on Betfair was still quite new, so nobody had enough experience to help me trade the right way and avoid making costly mistakes. It was tough going.
Fast forward to today and there are many experienced football traders willing to share their knowledge. For example, the Goal Profits team has more than 75 years of trading experience and, since 2011, we've been helping people just like you.
We give all of our members FREE access to the Goal Profits Academy, a complete football trading course.
Whether you're brand new to trading or you've been trying for a while without success, the Goal Profits Academy shows you exactly how to trade, based on proven methods that we've been using successfully for so many years.
Learn how to pick out profitable trades, how to avoid the most common mistakes, how to manage your bank and so on. We're online 7 days a week too, so you have all the help you need whenever you need it.
Goal Profits Academy is the ultimate football trading course. You will never need to spend your time or money on anything else.
Introduction to the Goal Profits Academy
We've split the Academy into 12 separate courses:
- Getting Started
- Introduction to Betfair
- Bank Management
- Trading Psychology
- First Half Goal
- Second Half Goals
- Late Goals
- Trading Goals
- Correct Score
- Find Your Own Trades
- Team Stats
- Live Stats Module
At the time of writing, there are a total of 84 lessons!

The majority of the lessons are text with screenshots.
We do plan to add video content in the future for those who prefer it. However, in order to include everyone, each lesson has to be mainly text-based. We have many members whose first language isn't English and that makes videos next to useless.
Also... videos take a long time to make. This is why you often find that video-based courses are rarely updated and quickly go out of date. Frankly, members would prefer us to be posting up to date information on the community forum.
We're still able to grab screenshots and describe trading situations in full, it's exactly the same except the pictures don't move.
Getting Started
The Getting Started course has a Quick Start Guide and then a further 5 lessons:
- What's Possible with Goal Profits?
- Our Community Forum
- The Average Game of Football
- Introduction to the Team Stats Matrix
- Building Your Portfolio
When you start anything new, it's easy to fall into bad habits and much harder to get back out of them.
For example, you would not believe the number of new members who email to say that they need some help selecting strong trades. But when we ask to see their results sheet so we can suggest some quick wins... they couldn't be bothered to keep one.
In order to win on Betfair, you literally have to make another trader lose and take their money. There are many smart and ruthless Betfair traders out there who will eat you for breakfast if you don't put a bit of effort in!
Of course, we're always looking to add new and improved content so there may also be another topic or two by now.
Introduction to Betfair
This course is for the many new Goal Profits members who are not experienced Betfair users and need to know the basics.
It covers topics such as how to reduce Betfair commission to 2%, how to stake below the Betfair minimum and how to 'Dutch' stakes.
Bank Management
Next, is the Bank Management course.
I cannot begin to tell you how many new traders get into trouble because they don't manage their banks correctly.
Often, they don't even have a bank but just keep putting random amounts of money into Betfair to play with!
This course covers setting up your trading bank, how to stake properly, the importance of recording results and how compounding accelerates bank growth in a very exciting way.
Trading Psychology
The fourth course in the Goal Profits Academy covers Trading Psychology.
Whenever money is involved, it's easy to be fooled into making emotional rather than rational decisions. Of course, football trading is no different... especially as football is an emotional game already!
Here, we delve into the mindset of a trader and offer plenty of tips to help you keep a level head.
This is a really important course and one that many traders decide to skip because it uncovers a few uncomfortable truths.
The bottom line... work on your trading mindset or you will fail. It's as simple as that.
Football Trading Strategies
Many new Goal Profits members are not complete beginners, but some have only recently opened their Betfair accounts and started to have a dig around.
Whatever your level, the Trading Strategies courses are your next stop and there are 5 of them!
- First Half Goal
- Second Half Goals
- Late Goals
- Trading Goals
- Correct Score
Yes, there are some very simple strategies that are quick and easy to use. But don't be fooled... trading doesn't have to be complicated in order to be profitable.
Professional traders use simple strategies every day for good reason. If you get your trade selection right, you're patient enough and you stake correctly... they make money!
We explain how the strategies work and, just as importantly, why they work.
There are plenty of real world examples of trades, some that ended in profit and some that didn't. We regularly add new trade examples and answer questions that are posted by members.
Everybody continues to learn.
Trade Research & Live Trading
The final 3 courses introduce all of the research and trading tools that Goal Profits members have access to.
- Find Your Own Trades
- Team Stats
- Live Stats Module
Our Team Stats Matrix tool is perfect for most traders because it builds shortlists of potential trades every single day.
However, for more experienced traders we also have tools that can be used to find additional trading angles. We explain a number of ways to do this in our Find Your Own Trades course.
Finally, we introduce members to our Team Stats and Live Stats Module tools.
Community Forum
As well as all of the lessons in the Goal Profits Academy, members receive support 7 days a week from our team of professional traders.
In addition to email support, we have a thriving Community Forum. Members can ask questions, share trading opportunities, explore ideas for new strategies and so on.
It's a fantastic trove of knowledge that helps everyone to become a better trader.