Free Football Tips for Today
Welcome to your free football tips page! Team Stats is going to provide you with a shortlist of fixtures every day from 85 leagues worldwide.
![Quote: If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got](
First Half Heaven (FHH) is an easy, low-risk strategy to help complete beginners get started with football trading.
Even if you've never used Betfair before, you will be able to use this system as there's no trading to do once you've waited for the right price and entered the market.
FHH is also a great introduction to the power of Team Stats and what this unique software can do for you. Read more about Team Stats here.
With disciplined match selection, FHH will be profitable for you long-term. However, if you go at it like a bull in a china shop and back every selection without a second thought, you are going to struggle.
There's a good reason that people go to work on a Monday morning rather than pull cash out of Betfair... trading isn't easy! If you really want to be successful, you must trade smarter than all those other people who keep losing money.
If you're not making the profit you want from football trading yet - I assume that's why you're here - it's time to change.
Look within yourself to find the discipline and determination needed to reach your trading goals. Give up gambling and losing money, making a profit is far more enjoyable!
![First Half Heaven](
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Free Football Tips for Today
All of the fixtures below have passed the initial First Half Heaven selection filters. Use the quick and easy research methods shown in the First Half Heaven eBook to pick out a strong double.
Before you risk even one penny, make sure you know exactly how First Half Heaven works!
Note: Selections will only appear in newly started leagues once the home team has played a minimum of three home games and the away team has played a minimum of three away games.
Are you ready to learn how profitable football trading works, generate a second income, or simply improve on past returns?
Do you have any questions? Click here to contact the Goal Profits team.